Walk in baths

A guide to buying a walk in bath

Things you should know about Walk in Baths

Shower Right > Walk in Bath > Guide to buying a walk in bath

Don't spend a penny on a Walk-in bath until you are sure you have the facts

Buying a walk in bath should be a fairly simple operation, or so you'd think. But buying a walk-in bath can prove to be a bit of a minefield if you're not familiar with the product, how they're made or the antics some salespeople get up to when trying to sell them!

We hope this useful guide to buying a walk-in bath will put an end to some of the shameful behaviour to which certain individuals will stoop and help you to make an informed decision when the time comes to choose.

Armed with the right knowledge, buying a walk in bath is simple. Here are a few helpful tips to consider -


Do you remember those annoying people who used to call at your home trying to sell double glazing? Did you ever wonder what happened to them? Many now sit in homes throughout the country for hours on end applying gentle pressure on people to sign up for a bathroom make-over to include a walk in bath. Our advice is simple - DON'T INVITE THEM IN. The fact you are reading this guide proves you have a mind of your own and do not need to be 'sold' on the idea.

NEVER be persuaded to arrange an appointment with a salesperson without the presence of another member of the family or a trusted friend for moral support and guidance.

DO NOT spend a fortune on a walk in bath

Don't let anybody kid you into spending a small fortune. YOU DON'T NEED TO. At the end of the day a walk-in bath is still only a bath. Some might be a little more expensive to make and some may have luxury additional functions, but they surely aren't expensive to install. Even our baths with lifts are delivered pre-assembled and pre-wired. All the installer has to do is fit taps and connect them to the appropriate services.

Beware of anybody who tells you otherwise. Installing a walk-in bath is within the remit of a competent DIY'er so your average plumber should have no difficulties whatsoever. You do not need specialist skills (with the possible exception where the bath has a lift and requires an electrical supply) and because access to the plumbing is so easy it could be argued that these baths are actually easier to install than a standard bath. In short, all the clever stuff should have gone into the construction, leaving a simple process of installation. If not, leave well alone.

Don't believe some of the nonsense

Some companies who sell walk-in baths (you know, the types that visit your home and won't leave until you purchase) get rather cross when you discover exactly the same bath can be bought from us at a much lower price. So beware of a less than warm reaction if you choose to mention such a fact.

We are aware of several excuses these rascals have put forward to justify their outrageous prices including -

  • "Baths on the internet are reconditioned or second hand".

  • "Baths on the internet are seconds"

  • "Baths on the internet are of an inferior quality".

The best one is...

  • "you get no guarantee on the internet".

This is all absolute rubbish! These are just desperate tactics used by equally desperate commission paid sales people who wish to scare you into buying from them - there and then! Don't be treated with such disrespect. This contemptuous behaviour is motivated by greed.

DON'T BE BULLIED! Don't be afraid to say NO!

For your peace of mind and to put the record straight

  • All the products purchased in the UK carry a guarantee. This is the law. The internet is just a convenient way to access the High Street these days. Whether you purchase on the internet, at your door or in a showroom your purchase is protected by The Sale of Goods Act and you most certainly do get a guarantee. Furthermore, many components carry a lifetime warranty!

  • All products found on this website are brand new straight from the factory, selected for their superior quality, unused, of first quality (not seconds) and carry exactly the same guarantee you will get anywhere else. The ONLY thing different will be the price.

So why are we cheaper?

The answer is simple - you are buying from the same source as the trade does. We are delighted to help you save a considerable sum of money on your purchase (plus exemption from VAT if you are eligible).

If you have any questions you would like to ask please don't hesitate to call us for a no-obligation chat.

More things you should know...

Not all walk in baths are the same.

Just because it looks like a walk in bath does not mean it will function well as one. We are very choosy about which products we'll deal with. Each and every walk in bath you will find here is the product of meticulous development, careful construction and has been subjected to rigorous testing. What's more, we even vet the manufacturer to ensure they can deliver the quality we demand and provide willing and helpful after sales backup. Anybody falling short of our exacting standards is dropped.

Because of our specialist involvement with these products over many years we have forged exceptional relationships with manufacturers and as a consequence are delighted to be able to offer you premium quality products at prices that can only be described as outstanding. You are welcome to call us for a no-obligation chat about any aspect of walk-in bathing - whether it be on a technical level, for advice or simply to explore feasibility. (Click here for our contact information)

A walk in bath is the ideal solution

Where limited mobility causes difficulty when bathing a walk in bath is an excellent solution. But, throughout the years manufacturers have experimented with different styles and designs of bath - some of them with catastrophic results! What you find with the products we sell are the refined results of many years of development.

Materials play an important part

Whether the bath will function as required depends on construction. For example, if the bath flexes when it's filled with water or when the occupant moves it is likely that the seal around the door will leak. This is a particular problem. It is therefore important that the construction of the bath provides rigidity or you might find water running where you least of all want it!

Do not however confuse flex with give. A bath that flexes actually distorts, effectively changing shape.  A material particularly well suited to the manufacture of a bath is GRP (also known as glass reinforced polymer, or fibre glass). To illustrate this one need only examine most modern boats - all of which have hulls made from GRP. The process for manufacturing in GRP involves building layer upon layer of glass strand matting which is bonded by an epoxy resin. The finished product is extremely strong, maintains a shiny lustre, is resilient to impact damage and can be repaired should the unthinkable occur. The process for manufacture in GRP is lengthy and labour intensive which is why a GRP bath is slightly dearer than the cheaper contemporaries made from acrylic (plastic).

The process of manufacturing in acrylic is quite different to GRP. With Acrylic, a large sheet of plastic is heated and sucked into a mould. When the vacuum is released, the plastic sheet maintains the shape of the mould. Quick and simple, but not as strong or durable. Acrylic baths need to have a strong substructure to minimise their flimsiness. Sometimes, acrylic baths undergo a secondary treatment where GRP is applied to the back of the moulded shape it enhance stiffness. This process of manufacture is rare and only used by a limited number of high end manufactures.

Acrylic does not maintain its lustre particularly well in comparison to the 'Gel Coat' finish of its GRP counterpart. Furthermore, should you damage the surface of an acrylic bath there is no real way to repair it invisibly - like you can with GRP.

In short, acrylic baths are quicker and cheaper to manufacture and less rigid. Special attention must be paid to construction in order to ensure door seals don't leak.

A major issue - which way the door should open on a walk in bath?

Inward or outward? You might be surprised to discover how heavy water is. A cubic metre of water weighs 1 metric tonne! That is 1000 kg. Just imagine how catastrophic the problem is when an outward opening door mechanism fails!!! The bath literally empties there in front of your eyes.... all over the place. For this reason and after much development this is why the inward opening door is by far the preferred method nowadays. The weight of water in the bath when full presses against an inwardly opening door and actually improves the action of the door seal. The bath still has to be manufactured to resist flexing for this to work OK, but you can probably see the advantage.

Having said this, an inward opening door may prove awkward to negotiate if the bather is of a larger build. If this is the case then an outward opener may be the only solution. Just make sure your choice of bath has a well designed door locking mechanism.

Ease of use makes a walk in bath more pleasurable - aiding safety

It also reduces the need for assistance thereby enhancing privacy and independence for those who would normally require higher levels of aid because of reduced mobility.

The advantage of an upright model walk in bath

There are many upright models from which to choose, but using the KANSAS as an example you can appreciate how the shorter upright design takes up less space than a conventional bath giving you back useable floor space.

The higher 'tub' style offers convenient support when entering and exiting. Furthermore, the higher seating position makes sitting down and standing up less of an effort. In all, this shape of bath makes for safe and comfortable bathing, lending itself perfectly for purpose.

Don't buy a walk in bath just because it looks similar to what you already have. There are several sound reasons for this advice. The whole point of your immanent investment will be to make bath time more pleasurable, or indeed possible. Of course it should look nice but it is not a fashion accessory. Consider the practicalities carefully before deciding on a shape.

The advantages of a 'tub style' bath have been mentioned. So let's have a look at the standard low level shape of walk in bath.

Traditional shapes of walk in bath

While a low level 'standard shape' bath might fit into the traditional aesthetics of your bathroom, ask yourself will it offer you the help you desire for bathing?

Consider, you might get a traditional low level bath with a side door - this may solve your problem of stepping over the rim of a standard bath. BUT, now you are in, you have to (1) sit down and then (2) stand back up to get out. Are you happy in the knowledge this will be achievable? There are baths that incorporate powered lifting seats to address this issue. We discuss this further down.

Wacky designs

Early walk in bath designers looked for a way to incorporate a seat within the structure of a traditionally shaped bath. An attempt was made at raising the floor of the bath at the sitting end to provide a raised perch upon which the bather could sit, hence reducing the distance the occupant would have to descend or rise when sitting or standing.

HOWEVER, the raised bottom, the bump, the perch (whatever you wish to call it) was quickly considered a bit of a nonsense as its immovable presence permanently raised the bather out of the very water in which they wished to bathe. Put another way, you could not properly submerge in such a bath - or fully recline to the bottom. Although this bath attempted to address a valid issue the design proved unpopular and impractical, especially if other more ambulant members of the family planned to share it. Eventually nick-named 'the glorified foot bath' the design was branded pointless and annoying and eventually disappeared from production with reputable manufacturers.

That is until recently. One manufacturer has decided to re-invent the wheel and has reintroduced the design. Unfortunately, more unwary purchasers will need to go through the discovery process before they realise the product's shortcomings. If you are considering such a product think carefully!

Evolution saw this 'glorified footbath' morph into the tub style bath. By shortening its length and increasing its depth a fairly useless design underwent a metamorphosis into something entirely practical. The tub style bath provides a moulded seat, but at a useful and sensible level, and the increased overall height facilitates deeper fill and decent immersion.

What about a lift?

Alternative thinking has come up with various mechanical devices to lift the user in and out of a standard looking bath - generically known as bath lifts. Bath lifts can however be bulky, unsightly and/or impractical. So consider carefully before deciding.

The thinking behind bath lift design varies. Some are unnecessarily bulky and obtrusive with external pillars and posts. Some utilise a belt system, but beware as some are better than others. Some lifts are integral to the bath and disappear as neatly as possible when not in use. Let us look at each:

Bath lifts utilising a belt

In principle a belt is not a bad idea. A belt has a thin cross-section which when deployed allows the bather to lower right to the bottom of the bath. However, the method by which the belt is raised and lowered makes a huge difference to how practical they are. There is essentially three ways a belt can be utilised:

  1. A single motorised roller (sometimes fitted to the wall adjacent to the bath) feeds the belt in and out to raise or lower. This type has a couple of serious drawbacks. As the belt pays out while lowering, the seated person gets tipped to one side as the belt does not lower evenly from both sides. As the belt lifts it tips the user the other way. The rider therefore must reposition themselves several times during each operation. Another consideration is one of hygiene. A wet belt rolled back into its housing is likely to become grimy and grubby and will eventually start smelling of mildew as it sits unventilated and unable to dry properly. By its nature, the belt moves quite slowly, so you are likely to become reluctant to deploy it purely for the purpose of drying/airing. Extreme caution should be exercised when fixing such a device to a wall. When in use the lift will undergo serious stress (which will vary accordingly with the weight of the user). Severe injury could result if the lifting mechanism becomes detached from its fixing point during use.

  2. Then there is the 'twin motor' type. These commonly form an integral part of the bath with a motor mounted on either side of the bather. This type addresses the issue of tipping the rider over as the design deploys the belt evenly. However, by fixing one issue another has been created as the motor/winding housings can be bulky, unsightly and obtrusive. The issue of an unventilated housing storing a wet belt and the associated hygiene issues remain.

  3. Another method of utilising a belt can be seen on the MONTANA walk in bath. This model cleverly conceals the lift within the side walls of the bath on either side of the bather. When configured to use a belt (rather than a moulded seat - which is an alternative option on this model) which is suspended between the lifting posts on either side raises or lowers the bather accordingly. At no time is the belt rolled up and will dry easily when not in use. What's more, the lifting posts offer supporting sides for the user unlike the 'roller type lift' that offer no side support whatsoever.

Belt Lift vs Moulded Seat

The answer to the question "Which one should I choose?" is very much down to aesthetic preference and logic.

  1. A moulded seat will probably offer the user the feeling of a more solid platform on which to sit.

  2. A well designed moulded seat might be considered 'attractive' in its own peculiar way.

  3. A moulded seat is by nature 'rigid'. This of course means there is a physical limit to the size of the user (by which of course we mean the posterior size). The thin cross-section and flexibility of a belt might prove somewhat more flexible for the larger derrière.

  4. A moulded seat has a thicker cross-section. When in its lowest position the profile of the seat will hold the seated bather away from the bottom of the bath accordingly. A belt, having a much thinner cross-section, is negligible when fully lowered therefore the user effectively sits on the bottom of the bath.

  5. It is arguably easier to recline fully when a belt lift is used. The profile of a moulded seat by comparison leaves an obstacle.

  6. In regard to the last observation (item 5), there is now a full length bath with a moulded powered lifting seat with a back support known as the 'Easy Riser'. The back support assists the bather recline and return to an upright sitting position. A very clever and useful development.

The 'Tub style' walk in bath

The simplicity of the tub style walk in bath might be considered to address all these issues - deeper immersion in the bath water (the taller design permits deeper fill), no mechanical devices needed to lift or lower user (seat is at an easier height). However, it is understandable that you might wish to preserve the traditional aesthetics of your bathroom with a long low bath. Happily you have a choice.

Hydro Massage systems

These represent the height of luxury and provide the ultimate bathing experience. Jets of water and/or air bubbles massage your skin while you relax in a soothing bath of warm water. The effect is believed to enhance circulation and most certainly adds to the whole pleasurable experience. What could be nicer than a gentle massage while you relax?

Check which type of system is being offered. There are essentially two types of 'hydro-massage' system available. One (which is sometimes referred to as 'whirlpool' system) pumps a combination of water and air through jets around the bath that massages your limbs. The other simply jets air bubbles through the water. The latter is generally regarded as a 'softer' experience. A Whirlpool system is generally more expensive but can be adjusted to provide quite an invigorating experience - some consider it brutal!

Chromotherapy Lighting

Chromotherapy is a centuries-old form of treatment that has been successfully used over the years to deal with various diseases as alternative medicine. Practitioners of Chromotherapy believe the various wavelengths associated with different colours of light in the spectrum balance energies that are lacking from a person's body on physical, emotional, spiritual and mental level.

Other discussion relates the condition SAD (Seasonal Affected Disorder) believed to be caused changes in the amount and type of light experienced by suffers. An increase in certain types of light can increase the body's production of Serotonin and Melatonin and used as the means to combat depression, improve mood, appetite and sleep.

You might however simply find your bath time experience greatly enhanced as you choose to tint the water with your favourite colours.

Installing a walk-in bath

Installing a walk in bath presents no special requirements. As mentioned, it is still only a bath! With additional space available for access to plumbing on models such as the KANSAS, installation often proves easier than fitting a conventional bath.

Hydrotherapy systems will require an RCCD protected power supply which must be installed in accordance with IEE Regulations (providing the user with total security and protection from the electrical supply). This is not a complicated task but should be carried out by a competent person.

VAT Exemption on walk in baths

Exemption from VAT is often available when purchasing a product of this nature. If you believe you qualify or would like further information about VAT Exemption please don't hesitate to contact us for further assistance. For more info check here

Whether you need the easy access or simply want to enhance the bathing experience, a walk in bath will add a new dimension to bath time.


 Click Here to visit the Walk-in Bath section of www.showerright.co.uk  

Walk in baths